Carriage Trails: Essays

Gritten’s Springside Paintings Reunited

By Philippa Kennedy, Vassar College '26

The original appearance of Springside is best known from the four oil paintings by Henry C. Gritten, an English landscape painter and photographer. While the paintings were commissioned as a set and displayed together in Matthew Vassar’s city residence in downtown Poughkeepsie, they were separated after Vassar’s death. After over 150 years apart, the paintings have finally been reunited by the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, which acquired the final work, Springside: South and West of Kitchen Garden and East Facade of Cottage, in 2024.

Following Downing’s tragic death in a steamboat accident on the Hudson River in 1852, Vassar commissioned Henry C. Gritten to paint four scenes of the estate to honor Downing’s vision. Gritten was the son of a London picture seller and began painting at the age of 14. He began his career exhibiting at the Royal Academy of London, the British Institute, and Suffolk Street before moving to New York in 1850. After exhibiting in New York, he took a brief hiatus from his artistic career to dig in the Victorian Gold Rush in 1853, only to accept defeat as a miner and return to painting a year later, remaining in Australia until his death in 1873. Working in oil and watercolor as well as photography, Gritten naturalistically portrayed historic subjects, urban and rural landscapes, and seascapes of France, England, and Australia. Gritten was living in New York exhibiting at the National Academy of Design when he was commissioned by Vassar to paint Springside. Together, the four views he composed create a comprehensive portrait of the estate. Set in autumn, the trees in each painting are struck with color, full of rusts and browns that provide a stark contrast to the pastels of the architecture and sky.

Gritten’s paintings have often been considered documentary evidence of what Springside looked like in 1852. However, it is beneficial to consider that both the artist and the patron sought to represent an idealized vision of the estate. The birds eye views, colorful autumn hues, and soft, graceful light suggest that Gritten thought carefully about how to display Springside at its best. A couple of the paintings feature a white Italianate villa in the background. While a villa could have been located there, it appears very similar to Locust Grove, the home of Samuel F. B. Morse, dear neighbor and friend to Matthew Vassar. Locust Grove is actually located about 1.5 miles from Springside on Albany Post Road (now better known as Route 9), but could have been imaginatively placed here to show their neighborly connection. The relocation of Locust Grove suggests that the paintings contain elements that make them more fantastical and aspirational than simply records of the estate.

Matthew Vassar was not a frequent patron of the arts, and therefore his commissioning of the four Gritten paintings, as well as a portrait with Springside in the background, suggests the value he placed on his estate in curating his image. An inventory of Matthew Vassar’s property reveals that these four oil paintings of Vassar’s country estate hung in the dining room of his city residence, a reminder of the work he put into his popular estate and the talent of his friend Downing. After Vassar died in 1868, the paintings were sold to Karl Keiling, a caretaker and resident of Springside. Keiling purchased three of the paintings, but was unable to purchase the fourth, which separated the set. Vassar College’s Loeb Art Center recently acquired the fourth scene, reuniting the paintings in its permanent collection. Together, they offer Gritten’s complete vision of Springside, one of the few examples of Downing’s landscape design in practice.

Henry C. Gritten, Springside: Center Circle, 1852, oil on canvas, Gift of Thomas M. Evans, Jr., in honor of Tania Goss, class of 1959, 2015.22.2 (photo courtesy of the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Collection, Vassar College)

Henry C. Gritten, Springside: View of Gardener’s Cottage and Barns, 1852, oil on canvas, Gift of Thomas M. Evans, Jr., in honor of Tania Goss, class of 1959, 2015.22.1 (photo courtesy of the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Collection, Vassar College)

Henry C. Gritten, Springside: View of Barn Complex and Gardens, 1852, oil on canvas, Gift of Thomas M. Evans, Jr., in honor of Tania Goss, class of 1959, 2015.22.3 (photo courtesy of the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Collection, Vassar College)

Henry C. Gritten, Springside: South and West of Kitchen Garden and East Facade of Cottage, 1852, oil on canvas, Purchase, gift of Georgia Potter Gosnell, class of 1951, and Elizabeth Gosnell Miller, class of 1984, 2024.17 (photo courtesy of the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Collection, Vassar College)

Bement: An Agricultural Inventor at Springside

By Morgan Stevenson-Swadling, Vassar College '24

In 1967, the Poughkeepsie Journal published an article on a historic manuscript, “written in ornate style on yellow-lined paper.” This book manuscript, never published, was penned by Poughkeepsie agriculturist Caleb N. Bement, who had worked at Springside, as described within the pages of the book. In his writings, Bement recounted that “Springside is very beautiful…the grounds are pleasantly diversified with hill and dale. Winding carriage ways run in every direction, revealing all the points of interest…”

This was not the only time Bement wrote of Springside, where he lived and worked for a few years in the 1850s. Beyond his work as an agriculturalist, Bement invented farm implements and techniques and wrote prolifically. He contributed to the American Journal of Agriculture and Science in the late 1840s and 1850s, and wrote books such as Agriculture: Its History, Progress, and Improvements and The American Poulterer’s Companion. Published in 1845, The American Poulterer’s Companion remains his most lasting work, and it features three different mentions of Springside, though the work was published over a decade prior to the formation of Bement’s partnership with Matthew Vassar. Two mentions of the birds kept at Springside appear in the text—the Black Bantam fowls and the Wood duck—and Bement also describes Springside as “one of the neatest and completest accomplishments we have ever seen” in the creation of a space to keep animals.

The timeline of the partnership between Vassar and Bement is incomplete, though documents suggest that he worked at Springside sometime between 1857 and 1860. In 1854, Vassar posted a listing seeking a man “thoroughly experienced in the management of Farm Stock, Poultry Breeding, &c.” The listing also mentions that this man and his wife could be “furnished with a cottage on the premises,” an offer which Bement would later accept. A Poughkeepsie Journal article from January of 1857 recounts with excitement Bement’s plan to occupy Springside in the next year, with Bement and Vassar both set to live at the site. An article from the following month mentions Bement driving to purchase cattle for Vassar, though it is not clear whether he is already residing with Vassar. In Poughkeepsie Journal articles from 1858, Bement’s name appears twice. In a lengthy column Bement wrote, he described new innovations in the usage of manure, and how the farmer may best utilize it, which he signed from Springside. Additionally, an advertisement for seed barley, “the products of Springside,” says to apply to “C.N. Bement of Springside.”  Most revealing is an agreement of April 1859 between Bement and Vassar which survives in the archives of the Vassar College Special Collections Library. The memorandum states that Bement will remain at Springside for another full year as manager and superintendent of the farm, with his wife as manager of the household. The agreement stipulates the terms of his stay: from rooms he and his family may occupy in the cottage shared with Vassar, to livestock and produce he will be responsible for raising and selling, his share of the sales, and the Bements’ authority to hire and manage workmen and domestic help. The contract provides precious evidence of the agreements made between the two men and of the management of house and farm at Springside. These documents are some of the only concrete pieces of evidence that have emerged of Bement’s time at Springside. After the 1859 memorandum, no more Bement articles written from Springside emerged, nor is there evidence of another contract. Census data suggests that Bement remained at Springside at least through the end of 1860, if not extending into the summer of 1861. By August 1861, however, Bement had moved, seeming to mark the end of his partnership with Vassar.

The first article noting Bement’s arrival to Springside notes hopefully that Bement, as “one of the most intelligent agriculturalists in the United States,” together with Vassar should “make Springside a bright and shining spot…something a little ahead of any thing else.” The article concludes that “At any rate, we shall look for some striking demonstration of skill, taste, and progress, that will be worth bragging on, and of decided value to all who are willing to learn.” 

Whilst Springside is remembered now as a remnant of Andrew Jackson Downing’s landscape design work, and as a home for Matthew Vassar, these records of Bement’s innovative work there reveal that Vassar’s estate was additionally recognized as a progressive agricultural complex. Therefore, it is important to recognize that this “ornamental farm,” as it is known, additionally encompassed a functional and innovative agricultural complex—an important aspect of the site’s legacy. 

Matthew Vassar Papers 13.315, Archive & Special Collections Library, Vassar College.


Sources & Further Reading: 

Bement, Caleb N. The American Poulterer’s Companion: A Practical Treatise on the Breeding, Rearing, and General Management of Various Species of Domestic Poultry. New York: Harper & Brother’s Foundation Publishers, 1856.

Note: the edition studied for this post was an original from 1856, located in the Vassar College Archives. Online for free one can access the updated version, dating to 1871. The references to Springside remain the same. 

Flad, Harvey K., “Saving Springside: Preserving Andrew Jackson Downing’s Last Landscape,” The Hudson River Valley Review. A Journal of Regional Studies 2017, 18-44.


Poughkeepsie Journal (Chronologically):

“Wanted.” Poughkeepsie Journal. April 22, 1854. (accessed March 26, 2024).

“Personal.” Poughkeepsie Journal. January 31, 1857.  (accessed March 26, 2024).

“Fine Stock Arrived.” Poughkeepsie Journal. February 7, 1857. (accessed March 26, 2024).

“The Farmer: Manure.” Poughkeepsie Journal. March 13, 1858. (accessed March 26, 2024).

“Seed Barley.” Poughkeepsie Journal. March 27, 1858. (accessed March 26, 2024).

Berlin, Barry. “Caleb Bement Book Comes Back Again to Poughkeepsie.” Poughkeepsie Journal. February 7, 1967. (accessed March 26, 2024).

Environmental & Social Activism: When the Community Comes Together

By Morgan Stevenson-Swadling, Vassar College '24

In the early months of 1968, the then-owners of Springside asked the city of Poughkeepsie for the property to be rezoned for commercial and apartment development. This request caused a chain reaction, with concerned citizens writing to the County Executive requesting that Springside be preserved. The Dutchess County Department of Planning was made aware of Springside as a privately owned site of national and historic significance and took action to raise awareness of the site and its jeopardized state. What ensued was a 60 page report published in December of 1968, known as “Springside: A Partnership with the Environment.”

Broken up into six sections, the report began with a brief introduction before delving into the “History and Significance of Springside.” This well-detailed grounding in the site described the history of Andrew Jackson Downing’s design of the site, Vassar’s ownership, and what remained of it in the 1960s; supplemented by quotes and descriptions from respected academics in New York and beyond. Photographs of different structures on the Springside property accompanied the text, most of which were done by prolific queer photographer Rollie McKenna, a Vassar graduate. McKenna’s work was recently detailed in a retrospective curated by the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center at Vassar College.

Following the historical section of the report is “Documentation,” which provides photographs, paintings, book sections, and letters on Springside. A number of books and writings dated from the nineteenth-century which cover Springside are listed. The report includes pages from Andrew Jackson Downing’s Cottage Residences, in which he directly wrote about Springside, as well as his original designs of the cottage and barn. Also included in it are paintings completed by Henry Gritten in the 1850s, which show Springside in its glorious original form.

These historic works and writings are then followed by copies of reproduced letters from the year of the 1968 report itself. Exchanges include letters written to Poughkeepsie’s mayor at the time, Richard Mitchell, from Denys P. Merys, Acting Chief of the Historical American Buildings Survey, and Murray H. Nelligan, the Assistant to Regional Director, Historic Preservation. Other letters are exchanged by three of the leading experts at the time: Thomas J. McCormick, George B. Tatum, and Jane B. Davies. The letters between these individuals show a wide breadth of knowledge, care, and interest in Springside and its significance. As written by Davies in a letter to McCormick, “Here at ‘Springside’ are found together supreme examples of nineteenth century romantic landscaping and rural architecture, the authenticated work of the most influential American exponent of both. I know of no comparable romantic estate anywhere in America. It would be a tragedy to lose this unique part of our American heritage.”

Perhaps the most moving part of the report comes in the form of “Letters of Support,” showing the outpouring of letters sent to Professor McCormick, members of Historic Boards, and several different architects. “We sincerely hope that such an impressive site within an urban community is not lost to the developers’ bulldozers” Gertrude Hankinson Briggs penned. “It still environmentally expresses…the romantic mysticism found in the literature of the 1840’s but no longer found on the ground” Professor George F. Earle muses. “Springside is a major historical monument. More than that, it points out—to a civilization increasingly alienated from its natural environment—the possibility of harmonious and meaningful relationships between man and nature. Can we afford to destroy it?” wrote Elizabeth B. Kassler.

The final section of the report concludes with articles written about the site and the necessity to preserve it. The articles are drawn from the Poughkeepsie Journal, Vassar: The Alumnae Quarterly, and Harper’s Bazaar, detailing all from the support pouring from the President of Vassar to Syracuse University students visiting and studying the site to the life of Andrew Jackson Downing. The report is then concluded by a series of Zoning Referrals.

We know now that Springside was indeed “saved,” though its story does not cease there. In March of 1969, four months after the publication of “Springside: A Partnership with the Environment,” the city council of Poughkeepsie unanimously rejected the rezoning of Springside. Later that year, Springside was declared a national landmark, only to fall victim to arson and vandalism soon thereafter. As we know well, maintenance and community organization around a site can be a challenge, and Springside is no exception. Community interest has decreased over time. One may wonder, then, why such a document as “Springside: A Partnership with the Environment” matters to the modern audience. In fact, the collection provides an example of activism so powerful that it swept over an entire community. Many of the ways in which the Poughkeepsie, Vassar, and larger New York state communities mobilized show the passion and care with which Springside has historically been regarded. Their activism should serve as a model not only for the significance of Springside, but for how we, too, should mobilize around Springside.

The Rural Cemetery Movement: The Birth of Springside

By Morgan Stevenson-Swadling, Vassar College '24

“The grounds are said to be well adapted for a Cemetery, and with suitable improvement may be rendered as romantic and beautiful as any public burial ground in the state.” So reported the Poughkeepsie Journal on July 6, 1850, following Matthew Vassar’s $8000 purchase of just under 50 acres of land. This site, then named Eden Hills, would later become Springside.

As detailed in Benson J. Lossing’s biography of Vassar, Vassar College and Its Founder (1867), at the start of 1850, Matthew Vassar rose to the presidency of the Poughkeepsie Board of Trustees. One of the board’s primary goals was to establish a public cemetery in the tradition of the rural cemetery movement. Vassar became chairman of the “Village Cemetery” committee and began to seek suitable grounds. The committee encountered the Eden Hills grounds, but as the result of other competitive buyers and a delay in choosing it as the official grounds, Vassar purchased it himself with the stipulation that he would sell it back to the Cemetery Association for the price he paid for it and take shares in the stock of the proposed association in the amount of $1000. The grounds were described as “undulating” with “rivulets” snaking through it and “a portion of meadow, groups of forest trees of luxuriant growth, about 10 acres laid out in an apple orchard; there are also several curious mound formations of rocky character, studded with oak, hickory, chestnut and evergreens.”

The rural cemetery movement swept across America following the creation of Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In the nineteenth century, there were many reasons for a shift in the state of cemeteries. Rapidly increasing urban population sizes meant that graveyards were becoming crowded public health hazards; suburban and rural areas were looked to as an alternative. Mount Auburn shifted the language of the rural cemetery from a new safety precaution and a utilitarian site to an idyllic park which inspired morality and via its beauty and construction. The combination of nature and art in the rural cemetery and the acquisitions of time would create “legacies of imperishable moral wealth” which would provide a strong improving influence on all members of society (Edward P. Humphrey, “Address on the Dedication of the Cave Hill Cemetery near Louisville, July 25, 1848”). The cemetery sought to ease the suffering of the mourner, to cause the younger to become more thoughtful and the wise more wise, to purify souls, and to increase both patriotism and religiosity.

Part of the importance of the rural cemetery was its accessibility. Mount Auburn was open to anyone who wished to purchase a lot, representing a certain level of social fluidity. As a nonprofit, the proceeds from plot sales were put solely towards maintenance and improvements of the site; which further allowed lower- or middle-class citizens such as farmers, plumbers, and small businessmen to purchase plots via goods and services that would improve Mount Auburn. As such, these “legacies of moral wealth” were designed to be accessed by all members of society.

Several other rural cemeteries followed, across New England as well as New York and Pennsylvania. The form was well-established by the time Poughkeepsie decided to develop one.

Vassar began making improvements upon the proposed cemetery site in 1850. However, with the official formation of the Cemetery Association, other grounds were decided upon and purchased on the bank of the Hudson River. Vassar decided to keep the site and transformed it into a “place of delight” for himself and his fellow citizens. Though Springside never became the cemetery it was originally intended to be, the principles upon which it was founded, and the means by which it began to be created and transformed, were based upon some of the same ideas as the Rural Cemetery. It can be understood that Springside was, and continues to be, a place of moral improvement and inspiration.


Sources & Further Reading:

Finney, Patricia J. “Landscape Architecture and the “Rural” Cemetery Movement.” Center for Research Libraries. Center for Research Libraries: Summer 2012.

Flad, Harvey K. “Matthew Vassar’s Springside: “…the hand of Art, when guided by Taste”” in Prophet with Honor: The Career of Andrew Jackson Downing 1815-1852, Tatum, George B. and Elisabeth Blair MacDougall, eds., Washington, D.C. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1989: 219-257.

French, Stanley. “The Cemetery as Cultural Institution: The Establishment of Mount Auburn and the ‘Rural Cemetery’ Movement.” American Quarterly 26, no. 1 (1974): 37–59.

Lossing, Benson J. Vassar College and Its Founder. New York: C.A. Alvord Printer, 1867: 61-79.

Newcombe, Emma. “From Cemeteries to Suburbs: How a Romantic Movement Reshaped America.” Governing. Governing: December 22, 2022.

“Village Cemetery.” Poughkeepsie Journal. July 6, 1850. (accessed January 30, 2024).

Sutton, Michelle. “The Rustic Symbolism of Victorian-Era Treestones.” New York State Urban Forestry Council. New York State Urban Forestry Council: April 16, 2018.

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Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

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The Springside Walking Tour is funded, in part, by a grant from the Hudson River Valley Greenway.

The land that now comprises Springside is part of the homelands of the Munsee Lenape, Indigenous peoples who have an enduring connection to this place.

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